we had rainy days recently, so the happier i was when i saw the sun was shining this morning. the first saturday of the month is the day of fleamarket in our little town. – first it looked as if i couldn´t make a good find today. but then… one booth had LOTS of old books written in old letters. some had gotten a bit damp, so they were very cheap. i bought some and hope they will dry and not molder. one has wonderful technical/electrical diagrams, which will be perfect for making transparencies of the drawings. – another find was waiting for me: a big heap of neoprint-letters! they were cheap also, as they are not complete and some are damaged, but there surely will be enough left to play with in “lynne perrella-style”… and i don´t have to cry when i ruin one with acrylics or so… – there is just one thing i couldn´t find: a bigger house for all my mess… anyway, happy for today:))