what´s up

no time for art these days… first the easter holidays were quite rainy and suddenly i got the fever to clean my working room, where hundreds (probably thousands) of lessons for school are laying in shelves… some not held in hand for years, because i thought i might make something better… now parts of the room are a huge mess, more or less. it´s high time to clean out, but very time consuming. i plan to make that space under the roof becoming a “real” room, so far it is bare brickwork… AND: i hope to find the space for a table there where i can do some art or at least let my sewing machine stand for a while… at the moment i´m still working at our dining table, that means a lot of my time is cleaning it for the next meal!

sun is shining now since yesterday. did a lot of work in the garden. many spring-blossoms are out now, but my elder son has the camera with him in rome (yes, rome! i have never been there…) so i can´t take pictures of them. so far are blooming in the south: ageratum (blausternchen), puschkinias, violas (veilchen) and the first daisies (gänseblümchen), which will be thousands in a few weeks :) – in the north i have liverleafs (leberblümchen), anemones (buschwindröschen), corydalis (lerchensporn) and even one hellebore (christrose) opened its blossom (i don´t have too much luck with them, the more i enjoy this one!). – actually we have quite a small garden, but every inch is covered with some flowers at least once in the year:)

aah, and i hope the last frost is over now, so i set the lizard and the snake out… don´t they look like alive? i bought them in a pottery nearby and like them alot. wish i had a larger garden to buy more of them. the photos are older ones (as the camera isn´t at hand now…).

crocus in full bloom

as said, the day started sunny. crocus in full bloom now (snowdrops´ best days are over). first bees are flying. should cut the branches of the appletree, but the moonphase says these are not the best days therefore (we have waxing moon). will wait. and better get swapped my loteria-cards…