the 3 muses – “pairs”

this week the three muses ask for anything that comes in “pairs”…

i found this picture of two sleeping piggies and immediately fell in love with them. (these days i´m slowing down myself, having a siesta whenever possible – i feel i need that now. i´m also really slow in my creating process – the ideas come fast, but working them out takes forever;))

background sheet (6×6 inch) from crafty individuals, sewed on the photo and did a little stamping (tim holtz, paperartsy; ma vinci / gooey gluey alphabeth & row of numbers; textstamp from inklusions); edged with neocolor II

diese woche wollen die 3 musen etwas sehen, das paarweise daherkommt…

fand dieses foto von den zwei dösenden schweinchen – passt gerade zu meiner situation;) bin selber grad wahnsinnig langsam in allem was ich mache, gönn mir meine siestas… brauche das wohl…