Category Archives: nancy donaldson
PAF – nov 25th – nov 27th
freddie mercury
new nancy donaldson textures in my email account (*rejoicing*)… couldn´t resist to play immediately…
i thought the perfect theme would be to make an homage for freddie mercury, who died 20 years ago. what a voice – what a man!!! listened to teo torriatte several times (wonderful ballade, not heard as often as the biggest hits), while looking for pics in the net and also found the queen font to fit the collage.
new digital editions…
again i played with the new textures from nancy donaldson (i really was challenged with the first one… found it hard to find a picture fitting the “knitted & drawn” texture…). and with these i can also show my “go-to” technique (for PAF) i use on almost every photo: i am switching through all blending modes and searching the one that appeals to me most, AND: i often use a layer mask to brush a part of the pic free from texture. so here: the flower and the ladybug are “brushed free” several times.
dieser einheimische siebenpunkt ist eine homage an unsere marienkäfer, die gerade heftig verdrängt werden von der etwas größeren asiatischen art. zwar sind diese auch nützlich hinsichtlich blattlausvertilgung, aber “unsere” find ich viel schöner… vielleicht nostalgie, denn schon aus unseren kinderbilderbüchern waren sie nicht wegzudenken… letzte woche war ich auf meinem spaziergang am sonnigen waldrand wieder eingekreist (ja nicht den mund aufmachen! super lästig!!) von den “zugezogenen” und umso erfreuter, doch auch noch einen “eingeborenen” zu finden…
texture tuesday: phoebe
PAF – nov 11th – nov 13th
showcasing two pictures for photo art friday:
the first one shows a larch and is edited with: nancy donaldson´s w3 (blending mode exclusion) + 2x bonnie´s new texture wicked (blending modes hue and soft light), shadowhouse creations box 4 (b.m. substract, opacity 70%)
texture tuesday: take on “two”
i photographed these two trees and edited the photo with kim klassen´s texture autumn burst at blending mode “difference” (plus another one from nancy donaldson – encaustic with graphics).
kleines mitbringsel…
textures from nancy donaldson
nancy donaldson again provided some textures to play with… so far i enjoyed making the following samples, (click to enlarge):
texture 2 from nancy donaldson (crackle structure) at blending mode soft light 100% – layer mask to erase the seed
scanned image (from a botanical book) layered with blending mode darken + adjustment layer to make it more black
frame from shadowhousecreations (black vintage mask) set at multiply
text added with fonts mythbusters + pea terri cherie
texture from nancy donaldson
last week nancy donaldson provided an encaustic looking texture for use in photo editing. i instantly fell in love with this and finally found the time to play on some of my pics… it is so addicting!!
thank you so much, nancy – and i hope you enjoy these altered photos…